Online Employment Application Satety Tips

Job searching in today's information age is primarily done online and in addition to advertising job openings online, most companies offer some type of job application method online as well. For privacy reasons, some job seekers may be reluctant to blindly submit personal information online. These online employment application safety tips will help protect your personal information while applying for jobs.

Do your own research

Research the company you are interested in applying to before filling out the application. Make sure it is a legitimate organization and not a scam attempting to get you to disclose personal information such as your email address, phone number or Social Security number. If you haven't heard of the company and can't find any information about it through a general online search, check with the Better Business Bureau (see Resources). The bottom line is always trust your instincts. If you don't feel comfortable about the legitimacy of a particular business, don't fill out the application.

Read the fine print

Before submitting a resume or application online, review the company's privacy policy. The policy should reveal how your information will be used, stored, deleted and whether or not the organization reserves the right to sell any of your information--primarily your email address. Print a copy of the privacy policy or bookmark the page for your own records once you submit your application. Many companies also like to seize the opportunity to add job applicants to their email lists. Usually this will be close to the end of the application process and there should be a box to check indicating if you do or do not want to be added to an email list.

Maintain privacy

Privacy is the primary concern of any online job applicant. Many applications and online prescreening questionnaires request both required and optional information. Optional information is typically indicated with an asterisk. Look for these indicators throughout the application. Some companies do not require a Social Security number until you have been hired. If it's not required, don't disclose it until necessary. No employer will ask for any credit or banking information in the application process. Some finance industry jobs do require credit checks, but not until after an initial interview has taken place.

Email protection

Set up a separate email address dedicated for job searching, inquiries and applications, to protect your personal email address in the event that your information is compromised and your account is hacked or your address gets distributed. This will also help keep your job search more organized as the emails will not be mixed in with email from family and friends. 

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